Terima Kasih telah berkunjung

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Name :


1.    My sister ... sick because she was falling on her bicycle
a.    Is
b.    Am
c.    Are
d.    Allright

2.    ... They on here when i am still at my home
a.    Is
b.    Are
c.    Am
d.    Allright

3.    The rabbits ...  eat because he is sick now
a.    Doesn’t
b.    Don’t
c.    Isn’t
d.    Allright

4.    My brother ... student at SDN Always Smile Sidoarjo
a.    Are
b.    Is
c.    Am
d.    Allright

5.    ... I beautiful?
a.    Are
b.    Is
c.    Am
d.    Allright

6.    Zahra ... going to school on foot with her friend
a.    Is
b.    Are
c.    Am
d.    Allright

7.    I am ... in love with you since for the first i look at you
a.    Going
b.    Waiting
c.    Falling
d.    Walking

8.    My sister is ... a game flappy bird on her phone
a.    Breaking
b.    Sweeping
c.    Playing
d.    Dancing

9.    ... are waiting me on boarding school now
a.    The Wonder womans
b.    The workers
c.    The farmers
d.    The students

10.  I am ... for buy some vegetables at supermarket
a.    singing
b.    going
c.    walking
d.    break down

11.  I have ... english well
a.    Dancing
b.    Begun
c.    Spoken
d.    Swept

12.  My heart has ... because of you
a.    Brought
b.    Broken
c.    Caught
d.    Chosen

13.  ... they come to me when i am sick?
a.    Has
b.    Has been
c.    Have
d.    Have been 

14.  Momsky  has ... a juice 
a.    Drank
b.    Drink
c.    Drenk
d.    Drunk

15.  We ... at the garden before
a.    Have not
b.    Have not been
c.    Has not been
d.    All right

16.  I have been ... a song
a.    Dancing
b.    Walking
c.    Seeing
d.    Singing

17.  She has been  ...  in Jamaica in the last three years.
a.    Work
b.    Working
c.    Works
d.    Worked

18.   I ...  writing with my computer all night long
a.    Have
b.    Have been
c.    Has
d.    Has been 

19.  My father ... washing his car in a garage
a.    Has  been
b.    Have
c.    Has
d.    Have been

20.   The bird has been ... on the sky
a.    Swimming
b.    Talking
c.    Shooting
d.    Flying

21.  Tony ... to the library three days ago.
a.    Born
b.    Arisen
c.    Went
d.    Blew

22.  I ...  went to campus when i lived in Jogja
a.    Often
b.    Usually
c.    Always
d.    Were

23.   Grandama ... sick yesterday
a.    Were
b.    Was
c.    Is
d.    Are

24.   ... we sang a song
a.    Do
b.    Did
c.    Done
d.    Doing

25.  I didn’t ... pentol 
a.    Aten
b.    Eat
c.    Eaten
d.    Ate

26.  I was ... bicycle
a.    Becoming
b.    Bleeding
c.    Riding
d.    Jogging

27.   Julia perez was ... at Setudio 6 ErCeTei
a.    Laughing
b.    Making
c.    Broadcasting
d.    Dancing

28.  I was ... her on my dream last night 
a.    Shooting
b.    Burning
c.    Dreaming
d.    Swimming

29.  The farmers was ... a hole 
a.    Dugging
b.    Dagging
c.    Digging
d.    Dogging

30.  My big boss was ... a proposal by email lastnight
a.    Landing
b.    Sending
c.    Buying
d.    Showing

31.  It ...  since morning.
a)    Is cloudy
b)    Was cloudy
c)    Has been cloudy
d)    Have been cloudy

32. I .. send the box the day after tomorrow.
a)    Will
b)    Will be
c)    Had
d)    Have

33. My mother ... before Tuti open the door.
a)    Have finished
b)    Would finish
c)    Had finished
d)    Have finsihed

34. Sinta ... right choice in her decision.
a)    Take
b)    Takes
c)    Was taking
d)    Taken

35.  It is time i ... now
a)    Go 
b)    Had gone
c)    Will go
d)    Goes

36.  I will say to my mother when I ... time.
a)     Will have
b)    Have
c)    Had
d)    has

37.  Jono told me that he ... his assignment.
a)    Had finished
b)    Finished
c)    Will finish
d)    Had gone

38.  I would rather you ... till Saturday.
a)    Stay
b)    Stayed
c)    Will stay
d)    Will sing

39.  I wish I ...  Hebrew.
a)    Speak
b)    Spoke
c)    Had spoken
d)    Have spoken

40.  The earth ... in the east.
a)    Was
b)    Is
c)    Were
d)    are 

41. ... name is Stepen william
a)    our
b)    them
c)    my
d)    his

42. uncle has finished ... job
a)   her
b)   he
c)   his
d)   him

43. our team always win a champion,  so let’s we celebrate ... champion
a)    our
b)    his
c)   them
d)   it’s

44.  The sun is ...
a)   going back
b)   go back
c)   going now
d)   go now

45.  Surabaya ... city of hero
a)   are
b)   is
c)   am
d)   has

46 - 47
I ... up my mind,
aku telah menetukan pikiran,
... need to think it over
tak perlu memikirkannya berlebihan
If ... wrong, I am right
jika aku salah, aku benar
Don't need to look no further,
tak perlu melihat terlalu jauh
This ... lust
ini bukan nafsu
I know ... love
aku tau ini cinta

46. a. Has made
      b. Has make
      c. Have made
      d. Have make

47. a. Doesn’t
      b. isn’t
      c. Don’t
      d. aren’t

48. a. We are
      b. They are
      c. I am
      d. Me

49. a. Is not
      b. am not
      c. aren’t
      d. ain’t

50. a. Those is
      b. These is
      c.  This is
      d.  That is